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It’s no news that today many content marketing tools are available for businesses and individuals to use for any strategy. 

But how do you use these tools correctly, do more with less, and avoid costly mistakes?  

We’ve shared all the answers in this well-researched article, along with the best digital marketing strategies for your business and a well-curated list of 22 top marketing tools you need to know of.


Digital Marketing Strategies For Your Business


1. Content Marketing

Over the past few years, content marketing has gained much popularity as one of the go-to strategies businesses use. And it has proven one thing: The power of good content is profound.

Regularly putting out helpful content allows potential customers to find, consume, and form a relationship with you. This relationship can easily triple your leads and costs about 62% less than traditional advertising.

When it comes to written content, blogs, and articles work great to build an audience and keep it engaged. Similarly, short-form content like that found on TikTok and Instagram reels is highly effective.

Podcasting is also a fantastic tool for relationship building. People listen to podcasts all the time, whether while taking a walk, driving, or simply spending time with themselves. The problem with podcasts has always been discoverability, something that has changed now that creators post more on YouTube, where they’re more likely to find their audience.


How AI Helps

Use AI tools like ChatGPT to brainstorm topics. Then, generate a detailed outline or script idea for the chosen topic.

Prompt example: “You’re an expert content creator in [your niche]. List 50 topics for an article/YouTube video/ podcast about [subject] for an audience of [target audience].”

You can also check out 215+ prompt ideas that might be helpful for your strategies.



Always add your own human touch to whatever type of content you create. Remember, no matter how helpful AI can be, authenticity is a component that bots cannot replace.


2. Social Media Marketing

Short-form vertical videos still dominate across Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts. What’s working best? Repurposing video.

A lot of creators post the same video on different platforms. Short-form content mostly works for TikTok and Instagram Reels, while you can find the longer version of the same content on YouTube.

With tools like GetMunch and Vidyo, you can chop up long-form videos into short, social media-ready clips that highlight viral potential bits. Post these clips everywhere automatically to achieve omnipresence.

If you want to post a TikTok video on other platforms, make sure to remove the watermark if you haven’t already saved that video. Apps like SnapTik can help you do that. And to edit the video like a pro, CapCut is one of the best tools with lots of cool features you can experiment with.


3. Search Engine Marketing

With AI tools, search engines are changing how they deliver results.

For example, rather than showing your articles, they plan to answer questions via AI-driven chatbots. Here’s what to do in such cases:


Deep Experience-Based Content

Write articles that go beyond simple questions and share personal experiences, expert knowledge, and opinions. In other words, post something that AI cannot answer.


YouTube as a Search Engine

Focus on video content that AI can’t easily replace. Use real human experiences and personalities to connect with your audience.


How AI Helps

Content Drafting: Use ChatGPT for initial drafts and then personalize them with your insights and experiences.

Keyword Strategy: Focus on keywords requiring deep, experience-based answers that AI can’t easily replicate.


4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is the king for converting interested prospects into paying customers. To grow your email list, offer a free lead magnet. While traditional written lead magnets have about a 22.8% conversion rate, quizzes convert at nearly 40%.


AI Tools

Quiz Creation: Use AI tools like TryInteract’s AI quiz builder to create engaging quizzes quickly.


5. Paid Marketing

For paid marketing, focus on building your email list through Facebook and Instagram ads. AI can optimize this process significantly. Use ChatGPT to generate ad copy and manage your marketing strategies.


How AI Helps

Ad Copy Creation: Use ChatGPT prompts to create compelling ad copy.

Ad Management: Let AI optimize your ad targeting and budgeting for better ROI.


Top 22 Tools for Digital Marketing in 2024

Here’s our well-curated list of 22 tools you need to consider for your digital marketing purposes.


1. Grammarly

Grammarly is a very helpful writing assistant that makes suggestions to improve your writing quality. It focuses on grammar, punctuation, style, and spelling-checks. With the Grammarly Premium plan, you can benefit from advanced features like vocabulary improvement, tone detection, paraphrasing, and plagiarism checks.

A highly recommended tool for creating polished and error-free content.


2. Canva

Canva is a super helpful design platform anyone can use, as it doesn’t require advanced design skills. In fact, many businesses use it to create interesting visual content, benefiting from the wide library of templates, images, fonts, and other components. 

What’s cool about Canva is its possibility to design graphics for any purpose, including social media posts, blog posts, presentations, and other marketing materials.

There is a Pro version of the platform that allows you to use more advanced features, such as premium design elements, brand kits, and even team collaboration.


3. Notion

For all the planners out there, Notion is one of the best apps for both, business and personal use, and one of our favorites as well.

In Notion, you can manage all of your projects, assign tasks, create to-do lists, plan and schedule content, and much more. It significantly improves productivity and workflow, and it’s simple to learn. You can find free guides on their website if you’re a beginner and don’t know how to use this app.


4. Hootsuite

You’ve probably already heard of Hootsuite, a popular social media management tool where you can schedule posts, but not only. You can also track the engagement to see how it is going and analyze performance across multiple platforms in order to see what strategy you can improve to increase your audience.


5. Buffer

Buffer is another popular social media scheduling tool that helps you plan, publish, and analyze your social media content. With Buffer, you can schedule posts for various social networks and make sure they are posted regularly. In the platform, you’ll also find analytics and insights to help you track engagement and optimize your content strategy.


6. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin you can easily install to optimize your content in just a few steps. It’s very effective, especially for blog posts and articles, to help them rank higher after being published. 

Some of the recommendations the plugin provides include keyword usage, meta description, alt text on the featured image, internal and external linking, and table of contents. All of these serve as a helpful guide and make it easier to manage your site’s SEO strategy.


7. AnswerThePublic

AnswerThePublic is a great tool that suggests commonly asked questions people are asking online. This helps you understand the audience better and create content based on those questions. You get three daily searches for free.


8. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a very popular tool in the world of SEO that helps you analyze competitors, find the best keywords for your purpose, and track rankings. 

Other benefits include getting better keyword research, monitoring your site, analyzing backlink profiles, and more. This tool is very helpful in helping you rank higher on Google; however, the best features are offered on the premium plan.


9. Google Analytics

Google Analytics presents all the insights you need to check your website traffic. These include, for example, the type of content users are searching for, conversion rates, profits, if any, etc. 

You can use Google Analytics to see what your audience is after and offer them exactly that. For example, if one of the articles you’ve published is performing well and it’s about video editing, you know that users want to see more video content articles. Offering that could improve your audience expansion and engagement.


10. Trello

Trello is a project management tool a lot of businesses use to coordinate tasks with team members. Due to its drag-and-drop interface, the platform is very simple to use. Boards, lists, and cards are the main components that come to help organize daily tasks and change their status,  for example, from “working on” to “done.”


11. Asana

Asana is another effective project management tool a lot of teams use to manage their content workflow. Its structure can be a little challenging to understand at first compared to other simpler platforms like Trello, however, it doesn’t take long to get a hand of it. In Asana, members create tasks, assignments, spring planning, set deadlines, and much more from a single platform.


12. integrates ChatGPT directly into Google Chrome, simplifying the process of drafting email responses and other text-based interactions. Users can generate responses, manage rejections, and handle objections efficiently by hovering over text and clicking a button.


13. Taplio

Taplio is a LinkedIn lead-generation tool that automates engagement and direct messaging. Ideal for LinkedIn outreach, Taplio allows users to create lead lists based on specified criteria and send bulk DMs. Personalized follow-ups and automated responses can also be set up, making LinkedIn outreach more efficient and less time-consuming.


14. personalizes video outreach by updating videos based on text inputs. This tool allows users to record and customize a single video for numerous recipients, saving time while maintaining a personalized touch. is particularly useful for creating personalized welcome videos or client outreach messages.


15. simplifies the logo creation process for new agencies. Users can generate various logo designs by inputting basic information such as the agency name, slogan, and keywords. This tool is a solid starting point for branding, especially for agencies who want to develop a professional visual identity quickly.


16. Durable

Durable generates entire websites in seconds, including content and design. Ideal for new agencies! Durable creates a functional website that can be customized further. This tool eliminates the initial barrier of web development, helping agencies to establish an online presence directly and efficiently.


17. automates the creation of ad visuals by analyzing client ad accounts and generating optimized creatives. This tool is particularly beneficial for small agencies that cannot afford full-time graphic designers.


18. consolidates messages from various apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger, and more into one platform. This tool helps agency owners manage communications more effectively, allocating dedicated time slots for responding to messages without the distraction of switching between multiple apps.



Say goodbye to stressing over taking notes in real-time during a meeting. is a helpful tool that can transcribe Zoom meetings for you, providing details that are searchable and offer accuracy in client and team communications.


20. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

Are you unhappy with your blog’s title but also running out of ideas? 

CoSchedule is a specialized tool that creates attractive headlines for you. It’s not limited to blog posts only; you can analyze and generate headlines for YouTube, TikTok, Podcast, and many other platforms. If you click on ‘Analyze,’ you’ll get a detailed insight into the title you’ve added and see what you can do better. If you decide to generate titles, you’ll be provided with a list of headline suggestions from which you can choose the one that works best for you.


21. Zapier

Zapier helps you connect your favorite apps and automate repetitive tasks. You can create “Zaps,” which are tools that initiate actions in one app based on events in another; for example, you can share new blog posts on social media and add new email subscribers to your CRM. 

Also, Zapier’s great interface allows you to design different forms without the need for coding.


22. Typeform

Typeform is a great tool for creating interactive content, like surveys, quizzes, and forms. Its conversational interface makes it easy to build forms that feel interactive and personalized, which encourages higher response rates. Further, you can design forms that match your brand’s aesthetics and offer a more personalized user experience.


The Verdict

It feels like the more AI tools are out there in the digital market, the more strategies businesses can benefit from. This is for the simple reason that while “tools do most of the job,” businesses can focus their efforts on performing more fundamental tasks, like taking care of core activities related to clients’ acquisition.

As we realize AI is not just a futuristic goal but a present-day reality, we can fully embrace its significant change in the way businesses operate. And it will most likely continue to do so.

If you have discovered other AI tools that have been beneficial, feel free to share them. Adopting these advancements can lead to greater success and innovation within the digital marketing industry.